Jen Levet Millinery

Who is Jen Levet Millinery?

If you have been redirected from Jen Levet Millinery, this is what I used to trade as! So you are in the right place. Millinery is where I started, it's still at the core of what Lace Botanica is, but it would be misleading and confusing to work under JLM anymore. Sometimes creative instincts take you in different directions and you have to regroup and be honest about what the focus now is for me.

Also as you finetune your own aesthetic and brand and only focus on materials and shapes that you want to make, sometimes you have to let go of certain elements. The phrase "there's only so many hours in the day" pretty much sums it up. So it feels right to let go of JLM and really start getting to work on what I REALLY want to make as a capmaker/veilmaker/milliner. But I'm not working as a theatrical milliner anymore, or as a hatmaker milliner. I'm a patterncutter milliner?

When I was a milliner, I made many different styles of hats and veils, most of which have been made whilst working on productions, so they're based on time periods, or for a costume designer

Don't get me wrong, if you want a hat, I would LOVE to dust out my millinery skills and you'll have to pry my millinery tools and hat blocks out of my cold dead hands.